About Wakelyns

Our history

Wakelyn de Hartshill was apparently given this land in Suffolk in the mid 15th century. The farmhouse dates back to about the 16th century. Read more…

The future

Wakelyn de Hartshill was apparently given this land in Suffolk in the mid 15th century. The farmhouse dates back to about the 16th century. Read more…

Martin Wolfe

After graduating from Reading University and then a PhD in Cambridge, Martin Wolfe spent nearly 40 years working as a publicly funded plant pathologist in the UK (at the PBI in Cambridge) and then Switzerland (at the ETH in Zurich). Read more…

Wakelyns in the media

Right from when Ann and Martin Wolfe first established agroforestry here at Wakelyns in 1994, the project has featured in the national and regional media and TV. Read more…