Home Field

So-called because of its proximity to the Wakelyns Farmhouse, “home field” is between tree lines 38 and 44. Pretty much all of the trees and bushes in those tree lines produce food: apples, pears, plums, quinces, figs, apricots, and much more.

The alleys between those tree lines are their own sub-rotation within the overall Wakelyns organic rotation.

We are delighted that the WakelynsVeg crew have taken up residence between tree lines 40 and 42.

In the last few years we have also grown a couple of alleys of squash in home field – different alleys each year as part of the rotation.

For more information on the apple and other trees, including Ann Wolfe’s old apple plans see here.

Here is Henrietta’s list of all the food in the tree lines in home field. And here is her apple list.

And this is all about our plums.

Come on a Wakelyns Tree Walk to learn more about the trees and how we manage them at Wakelyns. Also download a copy of our “Woodland Management Plan” here.