Willow Field

The tree lines in Willow Field are, er, willow.

In 2024, the alleys in the western part of Willow Field are in the fertility building ley phase of our organic rotation.

In the eastern part we are growing lentils this year. More here about lentils at Wakelyns.

The willow is coppiced on a two year cycle so the taller (Western) lines you see were coppiced in spring 2023 and the shorter (Eastern) lines in spring 2024.

The coppiced willow provides fuel to heat the house and is also used by hedgelayers.

West of Tree Line 1 (so as to create Tree Line Zero?) Adam and Emma have planted willow for basket weaving at Wakelyns (because the willow in Tree Lines 1-10 is Viminalis, a variety chosen for biomass which is also fine for willow structures but not for basket making).

At the end of Tree Line 0, Adam and Emma have now started growing chairs.

Come on a Wakelyns Tree Walk to learn more about the trees and how we manage them at Wakelyns. Also download a copy of our “Woodland Management Plan” here.