Volunteering at Wakelyns

We regularly get requests from people interested in volunteering at Wakelyns in one way or another. Here’s some idea of what we can offer and how it can work.

There’s lots of rewarding hard work and friendly fun to be had!

Volunteering at Wakelyns is generally:

  • people able to help in the Wakelyns Bakery email henrietta@wakelyns.co.uk
  • people who join us for special ‘community days’ (mostly in the summer) such as Community Fruit Harvesting days, Community Hemp Days or Community Conservation Project Days – if you’d like us to let you know when they are coming up, please fill in your contact details on this form (and tick the ‘volunteering’ box); or, if you are already on our contact list, select the ‘update my preferences’ option at the foot of one of our news emails and follow the instructions to tick that box on your profile.
  • people who come and stay at Wakelyns to volunteer here for longer periods – see below.

Staying and volunteering at Wakelyns over a longer period

If you’d like to stay at Wakelyns to volunteer over a longer period, we may be able to help provided that you confirm that you’re happy to sign up to our ‘values’ as set out here.

We have some old caravans in our lovely meadow which – though basic – are reasonably comfortable and suitable for summer use (so this is for March-September only); along with others living here you would be able to use our ‘summer kitchen’ area, toilet/shower block, washing machines and ‘cow shed’ (warm indoor communal space) – see the photos of some of those things on this page.

Although we sometimes have communal/shared meals, you will generally look after yourself. We can provide you with fresh seasonal veg grown at Wakelyns, Wakelyns lentils, bread, fruit from the trees when available plus basic provisions and condiments. There is a local shop in each of the nearby villages of Metfield and Fressingfield for additional products, and a Co-Op and some lovely independent shops like The Green Cupboard in Harleston 15 minutes drive away.

In return we would suggest that you help out for at least 6 hours on 5 days a week. But, to be clear:

  • You will be providing your time and effort completely freely
  • You can come and go as you please
  • You are under no obligation to provide any services
  • You will not suffer any sanctions if you do not perform those volunteer duties

You’ll need to be quite an organised, flexible and self-contained person because sometimes things are quite unstructured here at Wakelyns. While some of the time you will be doing stuff under close supervision, this is not like a job where someone will oversee you and tell you what to do for the whole of your time here.

There are a range of options for what you might do (depending on what is going on here at the time) including:

  • Help WakelynsVeg – stay for 2-6 weeks and learn how to grow organic vegetables; make compost, learn about no-dig, how to care for plants, how to manage a caterpillar tunnel all within the stunning surroundings of the agroforestry farm.
  • Depending on your experience and interest and what else is happening, it may also be possible to help Henrietta in the Wakelyns Bakery and with fruit picking.
  • Likewise, there may be times when Claire can do with some help with The Contemporary Hempery.
  • Other projects around Wakelyns.
  • Or a combination of those things – but it is very dependent on the time of year and what else is happening at Wakelyns.

If that might be of interest, please email info@wakelyns.co.uk telling us:

  • When you’d like to come and for how long
  • Some idea of the kind of things you’d like to do
  • Some idea of any relevant experience you have – so we can reassure each other that staying and volunteering at Wakelyns will suit you
  • Why you’d like to come here.

We look forward to meeting and welcoming you.

Here’s some lovely footage of veg growing in action – with some volunteer help