People visiting Wakelyns for courses, events or other activities have often asked about buying Wakelyns produce.
To make that easy for them, we have set up The Wakelyns Car Port. We will try and keep it stocked with whatever Wakelyns stuff we have available at the time:
- Wakelyns Bakery produce such as jars of jams, pickles and other delights; and frozen meals for people stating in the Wakelyns Ley Alley Pods or Wakelylns Farmhouse
- Baskets and other Wakelyns made willow delights from Willow Phoenix
- Wakelyns mugs, T shirts and hoodies
- bird boxes from Street Forge
- In season veg from RealVeg
- Special items from our long term collaborators Hodmedods
Food from our onsite bakery and kitchen, Wakelyns Bakery, is available from The Wakelyns Carport to buy. Eat it here or take it home with you, all made using the organic produce from our agroforestry arable alleys and tree lines. Choose from jams, chutneys, cordials, and apple juice; biscuits, granola, teas; in the freezer you will find the bakery’s 100% wholemeal sourdough bread and agroforestry abundance loaf cakes, as well as local cheeses, yoghurt, butter, and delicious meals such as Lakshmi’s Dal Makhani, yellow split pea dal, and Wakelyns lentil ragu. You can also find local vinegar, oat milk, pasta, and roasted and tinned beans and peas from our long-term collaborators, Hodmedod’s.
Please note that items vary depending on their availability/ availability of seasonal ingredients.
Help yourself to the items you want, write them down in the notebook on the table, and pay via the Dojo machine by card/phone/etc.