Chloe Tatum and Holly Gregson of REALVEG are planning to use alley space for the communal growing of certified Organic vegetables through a setup of a new CSA.
This looks to build direct supply chains between the producer and consumer. Buyers of a share are encouraged to have an active regular participation in the growing, harvesting and packing of the produced boxes.
A box will consist of a mix of seasonal produce (including some of the fruits from the Wakelyns tree lines), be collected from site weekly and is intended to be sufficient for 2 adults or a small family.
The model addresses a need to re-localise and diversify our food system while using an alternative socioeconomic model, and is educative with opportunities to connect with food growing.
They’re setting up this winter, growing between our alleys 40 and 42, with the aim to be ready to start planting out Spring/Summer 2021.
It is inclusive and open to all and they’re actively looking for members.
For anyone interested please contact info@realveg.org