Why organic?

A field

We have named ourselves ‘RealVeg’ because that is exactly what we intend to grow: real, unaltered, unforced, natural veg that hasn’t been modified or sprayed with anything synthetic. Just as nature intended.

By growing to Organically-certified standards, we work with nature and don’t need any synthetic chemicals to help plants grow. Neither do we need chemicals to kill off weeds that compete for water and nutrients or chemicals to kill insects, viruses and bacterias that like to eat our veg.

Why? Because by supporting nature, keeping our soil healthy and increasing biodiversity we create the right conditions to help our plants be strong and healthy, as nature intended. What is produced at the end is highly nutritious food full of antioxidants, healthy soil organisms and a balanced ecosystem.

There is also evidence that eating locally-grown food can be more beneficial to the microbiome of your own gut than that of food grown across the globe, because we are each adapted to the bacterial flora and fauna in our own backyards so to speak! Just as the microbiology of the soil changes round the seasons, so does that of our gut, meaning eating seasonally and locally supports a more diverse microbiome.

In summer and autumn the microbes are ready for fruits and greens, and in winter and spring the fats and roots.

An alarming truth: Glyphosate, the most heavily used chemical herbicide in human agricultural history is patented as an antibiotic, not a pesticide, and is presently sprayed on anything which is not designated Organic. It’s a worrying thought isn’t it, that across the globe we are dowsing our entire environment in antibiotics?!

We are fortunate to be in collaboration with Wakelyns Agroforestry Hub in Suffolk, a highly recognised and pioneering centre for innovation of farming practices.

Wakelyns approach aligns with our ethic and is fully certified as Organic by the Soil association UK.

Licence number: G2249

Wakelyns the farm is evolving and beginning new collaborations to demonstrate a better future for farming. That’s where we come in…