Join Us

Become a member to support Local Food and community
RealVeg CSA Supporter member - £25 a year  
This is for those of you who believe in what we do, and want to add a little financial support. In return for your generosity you will receive quarterly newsletters, keeping you up to date on RealVegs progress, and we will hold two events which all our members will be invited to through out the year. The events will involve good food and good fun!
RealVeg veg shares - small £11/ medium £16, each week/fortnight
We offer 2 sizes, and a range of payment options from monthly payment to a full years payment, once you've had a 4 share trial with us. 
CSAs generally encourage members (where financially viable) to pay for their share of the harvest at the beginning of each year. This is a commitment to be with the growers throughout the year - through thick and thin, abundance and lean times. It's believing in what we do, as a farm and as a movement towards Local Food for all. 


£11 SMALLcontains 6-7 items (including seasonal fruit from the farm) weekly or fortnightly

£16 MEDIUMcontains 8-10 items of veg (including seasonal fruit from the farm) weekly or fortnightly

“Items” are for example: 3 parsnips; a 150g bag of mixed salad leaves; 2 leeks.

Our veg is certified Organic and seasonal – so you won’t find tomatoes in the winter, or french beans in March. Very occasionally (usually only in the hungry gap) we buy in additional veg from local Organically certified farms.

Membership is free and automatic at sign up and includes a quarterly newsletter and an invite to social events throughout the year.

We encourage you to come to the farm and collect your veg – we want you to come and see where the veg is being grown.

We encourage you to get involved, come and volunteer, grow with us.

We offer delivery to your door if you live within a 6 mile radius and pick ups from collection points outside of that radius up to 12 miles.

  • Support locally grown veg
  • Support small scale Organic farming
  • Support the growers
  • Join in, volunteer with us
  • Create local community

We know you probably have questions, we’ve tried to answer as many as we can in our FAQs page, please contact us if there’s still something unclear.